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Http Endpoints

HTTP requests are made using URLs like



Library folders contain audio tracks and subfolders. Use the following methods to browse and retrieve items from the library.

Get root folder

GET /folders

Returns the contents of the root folder of the music library.

Example response:

            "title":"100 Hits - Dance Mix",
            "path":"100 Hits - Dance Mix"
            "title":"22 Pistepirkko",
            "path":"22 Pistepirkko"
            "title":"3 Doors Down",
            "path":"3 Doors Down"
            "title":"Preludio Obsesivo",
            "artist":"Rata Blanca",
            "album":"Rata Blanca",
                "title":"Turn Me On",
                "artist":"Kevin Lyttle",
                "album":"Summer In The City - Latin Party",
                "title":"Take On Me [October 1985]",
                "album":"The Definitive Singles Collection 1984-2004",

Get subfolder

GET /folders/my_folder_id_here

Returns the contents of the specified music library folder.

Note First request the contents of the root folder in order to get a list of subfolders for further browsing.

Get track

GET /tracks/my_track_id

Retrieves the file with the specified ID. Supply this to a media player that accepts a URI as media source, for example.

Get track, with Accept-Ranges

GET /downloads/my_track_id

The same as above except that the HTTP response contains the string bytes in the Accept-Ranges header.

GET /search?term=tillbaka+till+samtiden&limit=100

Search for a track, album or artist. Specify your search query in the term query parameter, and optionally set the maximum number of returned results in the limit query parameter.

Example response:

        "id": "Kent%5C2007+-+Tillbaka+Till+Samtiden%5C01_kent-elefanter.mp3",
        "title": "Elefanter",
        "artist": "Kent",
        "album": "Tillbaka Till Samtiden",
        "duration": 321,
        "size": 7639850
        "id": "Kent%5C2007+-+Tillbaka+Till+Samtiden%5C02_kent-berlin.mp3",
        "title": "Berlin",
        "artist": "Kent",
        "album": "Tillbaka Till Samtiden",
        "duration": 276,
        "size": 7143257
GET /player/popular

Returns an array (in key populars) of the most played tracks along with the playback count (in key playbackCount) of each track:

    "populars": [
            "track": {
                "id": "Kent%5C2007+-+Tillbaka+Till+Samtiden%5C01_kent-elefanter.mp3",
                "title": "Elefanter",
                "artist": "Kent",
                "album": "Tillbaka Till Samtiden",
                "duration": 321,
                "size": 7639850
            "playbackCount": 42
            "track": {
                "id": "Kent%5C2007+-+Tillbaka+Till+Samtiden%5C02_kent-berlin.mp3",
                "title": "Berlin",
                "artist": "Kent",
                "album": "Tillbaka Till Samtiden",
                "duration": 276,
                "size": 7143257
            "playbackCount": 41

Get most recently played tracks

GET /player/recent

Returns an array (in key recents) of the most recently played tracks, starting from the most recently played track, along with a timestamp (in key when, given in unix time in milliseconds) when playback started:

    "recents": [
            "track": {
                "id": "Kent%5C2007+-+Tillbaka+Till+Samtiden%5C01_kent-elefanter.mp3",
                "title": "Elefanter",
                "artist": "Kent",
                "album": "Tillbaka Till Samtiden",
                "duration": 321,
                "size": 7639850
            "when": 1462812430364
            "track": {
                "id": "Kent%5C2007+-+Tillbaka+Till+Samtiden%5C02_kent-berlin.mp3",
                "title": "Berlin",
                "artist": "Kent",
                "album": "Tillbaka Till Samtiden",
                "duration": 276,
                "size": 7143257
            "when": 1462812422540


Control playback on the MusicPimp server using WebSockets or HTTP POST calls.

To use the MusicPimp server as the playback device, open a WebSocket connection to /ws/playback or HTTP POST to /playback.

The available commands are described below.

Play track HTTP POST or WebSocket

Start playback of the track with the given ID using the following HTTP request body or WebSocket message:

{"cmd": "play", "track": "my_track_id"}

Note Browse the music library to obtain IDs of available tracks. If the track you wish to play is not located on the MusicPimp server, see the next item instead.

Play all

Reset the playlist with the given tracks and start playback from the first track:

    "cmd": "play_items", 
    "folders": [ "folder_id1", "folder_id2" ], 
    "tracks": [ "track_id1", "track_id2" ]

Play uploaded file POST to /playback/uploads

Starts playback of the file uploaded as multipart/form-data.

Stop playback HTTP POST or WebSocket

Stop playback:

{"cmd": "stop"}

Resume playback HTTP POST or WebSocket

Resume playback:

{"cmd": "resume"}


Start playback of the next track in the playlist:

{"cmd": "next"}


Start playback of the previous track in the playlist:

{"cmd": "prev"}

Skip HTTP POST or WebSocket

Start playback of the track at the specified playlist index:

{"cmd": "skip", "value": 3}

Seek HTTP POST or WebSocket

Seek playback to the specified position, in seconds, of the current track:

{"cmd": "seek", "value": 42}

Adjust volume HTTP POST or WebSocket

Adjust the volume, which is an integer in the range [0, 100]:

{"cmd": "volume", "value": 42}

Mute and unmute HTTP POST or WebSocket

Turn mute on or off (true/false):

{"cmd": "mute", "value": true}


GET /playback

Returns a server player status message.

Example response:

    "track": {
        "id": "Paola+-+Interstellar+Love.mp3",
        "title": "Interstellar Love",
        "artist": "Paola",
        "album": "Stockcity Girl",
        "duration": 201,
        "size": 4840094
    "state": "Started",
    "position": 14,
    "volume": 40,
    "mute": false,
    "playlist": [
            "id": "Paola+-+Interstellar+Love.mp3",
            "title": "Interstellar Love",
            "artist": "Paola",
            "album": "Stockcity Girl",
            "duration": 201,
            "size": 4840094
            "id": "cheap+trick+-+hello+there.mp3",
            "title": "Hello There",
            "artist": "Cheap Trick",
            "album": "The Essential Cheap Trick",
            "duration": 100,
            "size": 2573904
    "playlist_index": 0

Upload library track POST to /playback/stream

Instruct the MusicPimp server to perform a multipart/form-data upload of a track in its library to a remote destination.

    "track": "my_track_id",
    "uri": "destination_uri",
    "username": "destination_username",
    "password": "destination_password"

The credentials will be put into the Authorization header of the upload request as if the destination required HTTP Basic authentication.


Add HTTP POST or WebSocket

Add the track with the specified ID to the playlist:

{"cmd": "add", "track": "my_track_id"}

Add all

Add multiple items to the playlist:

    "cmd": "add_items", 
    "folders": [ "folder_id1", "folder_id2" ], 
    "tracks": [ "track_id1", "track_id2" ]

Reset playlist

Reset the playlist to the given tracks and set the index to index:

    "cmd": "reset_playlist",
    "tracks": [ "track_id1", "track_id2" ],
    "index": 0

Resetting the playlist does not start or stop playback.

Add uploaded file POST to /playlist/uploads

Add the file uploaded as multipart/form-data to the playlist.

Remove HTTP POST or WebSocket

Remove the track at the specified playlist index from the playlist:

{"cmd": "remove", "value": 3}

Insert track

Insert the given track at the specified index in the playlist:

{"cmd": "insert", "track": "my_track_id", "index": 42}

Move track in playlist

Move the track at index from in the playlist to index to:

{"cmd": "move", "from": 42, "to": 43}

Get saved playlists

Saved playlists are user-specific.

GET /playlists

Returns an array of saved playlists for the logged in user:

    "playlists": [
            "id": 42,
            "name": "The best playlist ever",
                    "title":"Preludio Obsesivo",
                    "artist":"Rata Blanca",
                    "album":"Rata Blanca",
                    "title":"Turn Me On",
                    "artist":"Kevin Lyttle",
                    "album":"Summer In The City - Latin Party",
                    "title":"Take On Me [October 1985]",
                    "album":"The Definitive Singles Collection 1984-2004",

Get one saved playlist

Get a playlist by ID:

GET /playlists/42

Example response:

    "playlist": {
        "id": 42,
        "name": "The best playlist ever",
                "title":"Preludio Obsesivo",
                "artist":"Rata Blanca",
                "album":"Rata Blanca",
                "title":"Turn Me On",
                "artist":"Kevin Lyttle",
                "album":"Summer In The City - Latin Party",
                "title":"Take On Me [October 1985]",
                "album":"The Definitive Singles Collection 1984-2004",

Create or update a saved playlist

POST /playlists

Saves the playlist supplied in the JSON body of the request:

    "playlist": {
        "id": 42,
        "name": "My updated playlist",
        "tracks": [ "track_id1", "track_id2" ]

To create a new playlist, set the ID to null in the above JSON body:

"id": null

Returns the ID of the saved playlist in a JSON object:

    "id": 42

Delete a saved playlist

Delete a playlist with a given ID:

POST /playlists/delete/42

Returns HTTP 202 Accepted if deletion succeeds.


Schedule tracks for playback on your MusicPimp server. Use this as an alarm clock, for example.

Get alarms

GET /alarms

Returns an array of alarms configured on the MusicPimp server:

        "id": "d7e506f0-9c05-4253-8fff-13ef37b8b38c",
        "job": {
            "track": "Chicane%5C17-chicane_ft_moya_brennan-saltwater.mp3"
        "when": {
            "hour": 6,
            "minute": 40,
            "days": [
        "enabled": true

Control alarms

POST /alarms

To control alarms, HTTP POST a request body with JSON to the /alarms endpoint. Each JSON body must at least contain a cmd key and may contain other key-value pairs, as documented below.

Save changes to an existing alarm:

    "cmd": "save",
    "ap": {
        "id": "d7e506f0-9c05-4253-8fff-13ef37b8b38c",
        "job": {
            "track": "Chicane%5C17-chicane_ft_moya_brennan-saltwater.mp3"
        "when": {
            "hour": 6,
            "minute": 40,
            "days": [
        "enabled": true

To create a new alarm, POST a payload like above, but set the alarm id to null:

"id": null

MusicPimp will generate a suitable ID for the alarm.

Delete an alarm:

{ "cmd": "delete", "id": "alarm_id_here" }

Start alarm playback:

{ "cmd": "start", "id": "alarm_id_here" }

Stop alarm playback:

{ "cmd": "stop" }

You may opt-in to receive push notifications to your mobile device(s) when scheduled playback starts. You may use such a notification to stop playback.

To opt-in, you must register your device for push notifications with MusicPimp:

Register a Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS) device:

{ "cmd": "push_add", "url": "mpns_device_url_here", "silent": true, "tag": "tag_identifier" }

Unregister an MPNS device:

{ "cmd": "push_remove", "url": "mpns_device_url_here" }


{ "cmd": "push_remove", "tag": "tag_identifier" }

Register an Android device using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM):

{ "cmd": "gcm_add", "id": "device_token", "tag": "tag_identifier" }

Unregister a GCM device:

{ "cmd": "gcm_remove", "id": "tag_identifier" }

Register an Android device using Amazon Device Messaging (ADM):

{ "cmd": "adm_add", "id": "device_token", "tag": "tag_identifier" }

Unregister an ADM device:

{ "cmd": "adm_remove", "id": "tag_identifier" }

Register an Apple Push Notification service (APNs) device:

{ "cmd": "apns_add", "id": "device_token", "tag": "tag_identifier" }

Unregister an APNs device:

{ "cmd": "apns_remove", "id": "tag_identifier" }

Supply a unique and static tag ID with your registrations. This is used to identify your device (as device tokens may change) and is included in the payload of every push notification so that devices can identify the source MusicPimp server.



GET /ping

Pings the server. Returns a 200 OK HTTP response on success.

Note Ping is the only API call that does not require authentication.

Authenticated ping

GET /pingauth

Pings the server and validates the supplied credentials. Responds with 200 OK and the server version as JSON content if the credentials are valid, and with 401 Unauthorized if authentication fails.

Example response:
